Office Evaluations:
By fitting the workstation to the user, computer work doesn't have to be a pain.
Pain and discomfort associated with long-term computer use is commonplace, and the injuries can be costly. We provide individual office assessments in order to identify potential sources of ergonomics related risk. Every evaluation is personalized with the goal of fitting each workstation to the user in order to minimize discomfort and injury risk. Each employee is educated about ergonomics and provided with injury prevention information to promote healthy computing.
Industrial and Military Evaluations:
Your workers are your best resource; let us help protect them.
Our professional staff is proficient in ergonomics as well as engineering. We evaluate every work environment to identify potential hazards and each process is analyzed to determine the best solution. We work with employees and management to ensure optimal process improvement with minimal work interruption. We strive to find the most cost efficient solutions and we provide detailed vendor information for recommended products.We have over a decade of industrial experience in military and private industry work environments. Our employees have current or prior military security clearance.
Hospital and Laboratory Evaluations:
Unique work environments require creative solutions.
Hospitals and laboratories can present unique challenges from patient handling to clean room research laboratories. Our team has extensive experience in hospital, university, and research environments. We will identify all possible sources of ergonomics related hazards and develop solutions to abate these hazards.
Ergonomics Training:
Training is not one size fits all; let us customize a course for you!
Training is an important element of any strong safety program. We tailor our ergonomics training and education to the client’s needs, the audience, and work environment. For example, we train manufacturing workers, supervisors, safety and health personnel, administrative workers, and engineers with customized training and hands-on interactive exercises to enhance the learning experience. Our training covers ergonomics principles, scientific assessment tools, interventions, and return on investment calculations. We also offer training for ergonomics coordinators and teams to identify and resolve ergonomics issues, prioritize projects, as well as forecast and evaluate return on investment.
Ergonomics Program Development and Design Work:
Don’t get fooled by furniture and tools claiming to be ergonomic; let us help you make the best purchase.
We can assist with the development of ergonomics programs and company policy. We also consult on new construction and remodeling projects to proactively identify and resolve possible sources of ergonomics related hazards. A lot of furniture and equipment, from chairs to hand tools, claim to be ergonomic. Let us help you select the best equipment for your employees and the task at hand.